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榆塞 是什么

《榆塞 是什么》

句子大全第一句子网网小编为大家整理的榆塞 是什么句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

榆塞 是什么


2、Major Strasser: Are you one of those people who cannot imagine the Germans in their beloved Paris?

3、tell me who was it you left me for? was it laszlo, or were there others in between or aren't you the kind that tells?


5、Captain Renault:大家快离开这里!


7、Sam: [singing] You must remember this / A kiss is still a kiss / A sigh is just a sigh / The fundamental things apply / As time goes by. / And when two lovers woo, / They still say, "I love you" / On that you can rely / No matter what the future brings-...

8、here's looking at you, kid.

9、[last lines]



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