





2、Evan:Would it make a difference if I told you that no one could possibly ever love anyone as much as I love you?



5、Jack Sparrow: Ladies! Will you please shut it? Listen to me. Yes, I lied to you. No, I don't love you. Of course it makes you look fat. I've never been to Brussels. It is pronounced "egregious". By the way, no, I've never met Pizzaro but I love his pies. And all of this pales to utter insignificance in light of the fact that my ship is once again gone. Savvy?

6、Elizabeth Swann: Will you ever forgive me?

7、It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. — Chaos Theory

8、[Giselle and Scarlett are fighting]

9、Evan:If the scar on my stomach didn't just come out of nowhere maybe my father wasn't as crazy as everyone thought.If I can make scars,do I have the power to heal them?What about Kayleigh's scars?

10、[Everyone looks around. Finally Jack the Monkey raises his hand]


夜归诗陆游 09-19

陆游庐山诗 09-19

琵琶南宋 陆游 09-19

陆游浪淘沙 09-19

陆游 梅雨 翻译 09-19

浮生陆游译文 09-19

怀旧陆游翻译 09-19

陆游寒食诗 09-19

陆游在隆兴 09-19

陆游诗排名 09-19