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宋 辛弃疾 菩萨蛮

《宋 辛弃疾 菩萨蛮》

批改网句子提分网小编为大家整理的宋 辛弃疾 菩萨蛮句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

宋 辛弃疾 菩萨蛮

1、you played it for her. you can play it for me.

2、The ballet was beautiful.



5、she did her best to convince me that she was still in love with me. but that was all over long ago. for your sake, she retended it wasn't, and i let her pretend.


7、Roy: I sense a reservation.

8、i'm not interested in politics. the problems of the world are not in my department.

9、[as he goes to hand Renault a bribe]

10、lf she can stand it, i can.


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