2、 张易之:因为今天是我梦想成真的时候,我从小就想像有着这样一天,能与世间最高贵,最伟大的人在黑暗中相互凝视。
5、Cobb: If you’re gonna perform inception you need imagination.
6、Thin Man: No, they come here to be woken up. Dream has become their reality!
8、Yes. In the dream state, your conscious defense is lowered that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft.
9、The moment's passed. Whatever I do I can't change this moment. I'm about to call out to them. They run away. If I'm ever going to see their faces I've gotta get back home. The real world.
10、Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? It's only when we wake up that we realize how things are actually strange. Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on.
标签:收录古文学的杂志、一鼓作气的古文、梦游天姥吟留别 古文网
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