2、I think people just get frustrated without harsh, life can be. So they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration we calling it anger. keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation.
5、Did you ever feel sorry for yourself?--That had always been my life and I really```I feel that I got lucky, because any sensive security was pulled out so I was forced to look forward. I had to... there was no going back and I reached a point where I just thought, "oh I'm gonna work as hard as I possibly can and see what happens" and now I'm going to college. and the NYT is going to pay.
7、“不是紫薇,不是金琐,不是明月,也不是彩霞!是那个一天到晚和她们在一起的人!是那个被我一箭射到、 从此就让我牵肠挂肚的人!是那个不解风情,拼命帮我拉红线的人!现在,你懂了没有?难道,这么久的日子以来,你一点感觉都没有吗?”
9、Keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation. All those tinny things that have come together to make it, what it is.
相关:晏子使楚全诗、云中君的全诗、闲坐说玄宗全诗、窗外雨潺潺全诗翻译、岁旦全诗翻译、夕阳度西岭全诗、白居易琵琶行全诗、非在清云端全诗、夏意全诗的意思、题桐叶 全诗
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