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摊破浣溪沙 格律

《摊破浣溪沙 格律》

句子迷官网网小编为大家整理的摊破浣溪沙 格律句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

摊破浣溪沙 格律

1、Myra:Kitty,Kitty look!He's here!

2、Roy:A great deal depends upon the petitioner on the charm of the petitioner, on his ardor, on his eloquence. Myra,look at me.

3、Oh,Kitty,what if I……What if he ……Do you suppose……?Oh,dear,oh,Kitty,what do you think……Oh,Gos.Kitty,there.Do I look all right?




7、What's wrong with your camera?

8、Madame:When I made you send the note back to the military gentleman last night,It was you I was trying to protect.I'm fond of the girls who work for me.I don't want them to be camp-followers.


10、for me it's like my diary


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