3、A liar has prepared sentences,which he falls back on when under pressure.
6、Don't think 'cause these boxes are seaIed up they're empty.The only man who sells empty boxes is the undertaker.
7、And you're carrying a wasted girl and a bag of fertilizer.You don't look like your average horti-fucking-culturalist.
8、It’s a lot more fun if you don’t get caught.
9、…snoozing away in a public street. Would you care to make a statement?
10、The animal in front of you must know where it stands, whether above you or below you. Social rank is central to how it leads its life. Rank determines whom it can associate with and how; where and when it can eat; where it can rest; where it can drink; and so on. Until it knows its rank for certain, the animal lives a life of unbearable anarchy. It remains nervous, jumpy, and dangerous. Luckily for the circus trainer, decisions about social rank among higher animals are not always based on brute force.
标签:王维的诗全集三百首鹿柴、留别王维整首诗的意思、临湖亭 王维诗的含义
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