2、It's pretty much always the case more or less
5、me mum used to take me to the park on weekends
7、Kitty:It's ,eh ,almost 11.
8、Myra:It brole open twice yesterday.Oh, Kitt,what time is it?
9、Roy:I have to acquaint you with certain facts.In the first place my dear young lady,I am a captain in the rental ship Usaleus.Are you impressed?
10、Madame:When I made you send the note back to the military gentleman last night,It was you I was trying to protect.I'm fond of the girls who work for me.I don't want them to be camp-followers.
标签:杨万里的《小池》古诗、小池 杨万里阅读答案、野菊 杨万里 鉴赏
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