1、Doesn't make any difference whether I know about it.Just because there are things I don't remember doesn't make my actions meaningless.
2、Eep: That wasn‟t living, that was just...not dying. There‟s a difference.小伊:那也能叫活着吗?只不过是没有死掉,活着不是这样的。
3、我在未来等你 --恩,一定去,跑着去。
4、Guy: This is pointless! We‟ve running out of time! Everything is collapsing. You are being irrational and counterproductive.盖:你这样做没有意义!我们没时间了,一切都在崩塌!你这样胡搅蛮缠只会事与愿违!
5、Do I lie to myself to be happy?
6、Guy: Well, we‟ve got to move faster. Do you people have any other speed aside from wander? I‟ll take shamble? At this point.盖:我们得快点走,你们除了“散步”,还有别的速度可选吗?要不要试试“踱步”?
8、我觉得你感觉 你与生俱来的权力被诈取了。
9、And Annie said that George thinks that George Harrison couldn't maybe,he couldn't write a song but then he wrote "Here comes the Sun" and she said that it was one of the best songs on "Abbey Road."
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