2、Captain Renault: Major Strasser has been shot. Round up the usual suspects.
3、Rick: I don't want to shoot you, but I will if you take one more step!
4、[as he goes to hand Renault a bribe]
5、i'm not interested in politics. the problems of the world are not in my department.
6、Jan Brandel: Captain Renault... may I?
7、we'll always have paris. we didn't have… we'd lost it until you came to casablanca. we got it back last night.
8、Ilsa: [genuinely pleased] You're very kind.
9、Well,experts never know,It takes outsidersto know,and I tell you it was beautiful.
10、Rick: Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
相关:立夏陆游译文、燕 陆游、陆游 卜算子、示子遹 陆游、钗头凤 红酥手陆游、陆游的关于读书诗、陆游的立夏古诗、陆游平水、立春 陆游、陆游 谢池春
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