1、For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower…
3、赳赳老秦, 共赴国难!
6、And when your sorrow is comforted time soothes all sorrows you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometimes open your window, so, for that pleasure… And your friends will be properly astonished to see you laughing as you look up at the sky! Then you will say to them, "Yes, the stars always make me laugh!"
10、And when your sorrow is comforted time soothes all sorrows you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometimes open your window, so, for that pleasure… And your friends will be properly astonished to see you laughing as you look up at the sky! Then you will say to them, "Yes, the stars always make me laugh!"
相关:头花的拼音是、夜半乐 柳永拼音、燕昭王拼音、佳人歌朗诵拼音、宋代贺铸拼音、蓬莱弱水全文拼音、客中行带拼音、庆中秋的拼音、唐诗《古别离》拼音、宿府 杜甫拼音
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