2、Rage against John, against God and…
3、to change the way you experience the world.
5、because you have to help me get out of here.
6、At least that's when his hallucinations seem to have begun.
7、-Alicia: This is ridiculous.
8、-Sol: I think John is a very lucky man...
9、a mathematician with no military training,
10、-Rosen: Schizophrenia is degenerative. Some days maybe symptom-free,
相关:初春出游陆游、陆游端午古诗、陆游晚年风流、梅花陆游宋、素衣 风尘 陆游、陆游描写岷江、陆游夏日注释、夜雨宋陆游、陆游马上做、陆游《书事》
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