2、米勒:“詹姆斯……我在这告诉你,你的哥哥们在战场阵亡了,他们都死了。” 瑞恩:“哪个?” 米勒队长:“三个。”
3、What would you do if you only had one minute left to live?I don't know
4、Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see? Then join in the fight that will give you the right to be free! Do you hear the people sing? Say, do you hear the distant drums? It is the future that they bring when tomorrow comes! Will you give all you can give, so that our banner may advance? Some will fall and some will live. Will you stand up and take your chance? The blood of the martyrs will water the meadows of France!
5、Rather, Source Code is time reassignment.
6、在一段时间我喜欢一段音乐, 听一段音乐我怀念一段时光。 坐在一段时光里怀念另一段时光的掌纹。 那时听着那歌会是怎样的心情? 那时的我们是否相遇? 是相遇还是错过? 还是, 没有结局的邂逅?
7、—— 一碰到就会消失,简直就像雪一样呢。阿银,我呢,就算在冬天,也都在想阿银的事,秋天......还有春天也是......阿银......你不要忘了我啊,不要忘记。总有一天,时间会将我们分开吧,但是,即使如此,直到那天来临为止,我们要一直在一起哦......
8、Those who follow the path of the righteous shall have their reword. And if they fall, as Lucifer fell. The flame! The sword! Stars in your multitudes! Scarce to be counted. Filling the darkness with order and light. You are the sentinels. Silent and sure! Keeping watch in the night. Keeping watch in the night! You know your place in the sky. You hold your course and your aim! And each in your season returns and returns, and is always the same. And if you fall, as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames! And so it must be, for so it is written on the door way toParadise, that those who falter and those who fall must pay the price!
9、One day more! One day more to revolution. We will nip it in the bud. We’ll be ready for these schoolboys. We will wet themselves with blood!
回忆类经典句子 02-19
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与朱元思书中作者在自然景物中表现了对政治生活和名利的厌倦的句子是 02-19
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