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芸维 诗经

《芸维 诗经》

句子训练三年级下册网小编为大家整理的芸维 诗经句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

芸维 诗经


2、Your love for mankind ... your belief that people can change.


4、你们老是把自己的快乐 建立在别人的痛苦上。

5、It’s a lot more fun if you don’t get caught.

6、Paramount News brings you special coverage of Princess Ann's visit to London.

7、…snoozing away in a public street. Would you care to make a statement?

8、The best way to establish guilt or innocence is non-stop interrogation.

9、You're well read, well dressed.

10、I am in favour of any measure…Rome! By all means, Rome.


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