





2、If that was true he must have felt that he had lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream. He must have looked up at an unfamiliar sky through frightening leaves and shivered as he found what a grotesque thing a rose is and how raw the sunlight was upon the scarcely created grass. A new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about . . .

3、"I choose my friends for looks,my enemies for intelligence." You're too foxy to be my friend.

4、Listen,you know I'm thankful for the help with the green card,but I just don't want to get involved.我很感激你帮我搞到绿卡但我不想卷入此事。

5、One should never turn his back on his home country. 一个人永远也不能背弃自己的祖国。


7、We're headed out,man我们出发了,伙计。


9、What could you make of that, except to suspect some intensity in his conception of the affair that couldn’t be measured?

10、Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Don't see him here.


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