1、It’s no good standing out there like one o’clock half struck. Will be the cry when the man with the bargains has passed you by.
2、Well,life isn't always what one likes,istn't it?
6、Temporary detention is the best way to deal with them.
7、when I see a dolphin looking at me and his eyes tracking me,and I lock eyes with that animal,there's a human response that makes it undeniable,that I'm connecting with an intelligent being
8、我们会来这里,不是来吵架的。我们肩负着重责大任。我一直觉得这 就是民主社会的优点。我们收到信,被通知要来这里,决定一个跟我们素昧平生的人到底有没有罪,不论做出什么样的判决,我们都拿不到好处,也没有损失,那就是我们的国家能这么强大的原因。
9、This white shite steals my things,and thinks that he can sell it back to me!He's got less brains than you, Lenny!the greasy wop. . . Greek bastard round here now.lf he's still stupid enough to be on this planet.
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