1、The pictures came out pretty well. Want to have a look at them?
3、I think the most horrifying thing about the whole dive that nightwas that, you know, you could hear them communicating with each other,and you knew that that next morning that would be the end of it、They're always trying to communicate with us
4、An innocent prisoner will become more angry by the hour,due to the injustice suffered.He will shout and rage.
5、An innocent prisoner will become more angry by the hour,due to the injustice suffered.He will shout and rage.
7、你不能带个嗑药的女人 和一包肥料在路上乱逛,因为你看起来实在不像农夫 那就是我的意思,威利。
8、I ought to have my head examined.
9、- Do you like that?
10、He fell to his death.The loyal men surround him, as you do me,and despite the high sun,cast seven shadows on his noble dead body.
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