





2、If not for you, I must be shivering in the despair and fear, groaning painfully. But for you, every day I will dream the most beautiful apart. Becoz u use your whole life to love me, and I feel free. My life seems to leave me like the sand flowing. I can hear that, but I can still smile only as long as I see you sleeping by my side.


4、If not for you, I must be shivering in the despair and fear, groaning painfully. But for you, every day I will dream the most beautiful apart. Becoz u use your whole life to love me, and I feel free. My life seems to leave me like the sand flowing. I can hear that, but I can still smile only as long as I see you sleeping by my side.

5、If u love someone, u will know everything about her without asking her; if u don't love someone, u will forget everything even if she told u everything.




9、Loneliness is different from being alone. Being alone means you just have no one beside u but loneliness means that you can not talk with others and share them with your feelings. And the true loneliness is that you even forget how it feels when you love someone.



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