1、过手如登山 一步一重天。
2、是啊,我在你这个年纪,有大把青春可以浪费的时候,我呢,去按照正常的人生轨迹,毕业分配,结婚生子,我一丝不苟地过着谨小慎微的日子。说实话,我是没有资格教训你,因为你的这种路,我没走过。很难说,现在这个社会真的很难说,到底哪种选择是对的,哪种选择是错的。谁的路嘛,谁自己走。累与不累,好与不好,值与不值,别人替你做不了回答。所以呢,我也不是劝你,我只是希望呢,你呀,别被一切表面的现象所迷惑,包括你跟小贝的关系,包括你跟这个宋什么的关系。在你一个人的时候,安安静静地想清楚。你想清楚了,你就知道该怎么做了。好吗? ——《蜗居》郭海萍
3、I hope you're not lying.leon.I really hope that deep down inside there's no love in you.Because if there is just a little bit of love in there for me.I think that in a few minutes you'll regret you never said anything.I love you.leon.
4、Leon:You need some time to grow up a little.
5、What you doing?
7、I hope you're not lying.leon.I really hope that deep down inside there's no love in you.Because if there is just a little bit of love in there for me.I think that in a few minutes you'll regret you never said anything.I love you.leon.
8、Léon: Where?
9、- Just change the subject, okay? - Okay. Sorry.
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