





2、- I always eat out.

3、If we citizens do not support our artists, then we sacrifice our imagination on the altar of crude reality and we end up believing in nothing and having worthless dreams.

4、A liar has prepared sentences,which he falls back on when under pressure.

5、lt was informers and conformists like that who ruined Albert.

6、It’s a lot more fun if you don’t get caught.

7、不论在哪儿碰到 偏见总是遮蔽了真相。


9、Give me a little slack, will you?

10、I must say a word about fear. It is life’s only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. It is a clever, treacherous adversary, how well I know. It has no decency, respects no law or convention, shows no mercy. It goes for your weakest spot, which it finds with unerring ease. It begins in your mind, always.


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