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秋风明月 什么意思

《秋风明月 什么意思》

正能量语录网小编为大家整理的秋风明月 什么意思句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

秋风明月 什么意思

1、Dr.Grace Augustine:Just hold your ground.


3、Jake Sully:And I'm probably just talking to a tree right now.But if you're there--I need to give you a heads up.If Grace is there with you--look in her memories--she can show you the world we come from.There's no green there.They killed their Mother,and they're gonna dothe same thing here.More Sky People are gonna come.They're gonna come like a rain that never ends--Unless we stop them.Look,you chose me for something.And I'll stand and fight,you know I will.But I could use a little help here.

4、I was a warrior who dreamed he could bring peace.Sooner or later though,you always have to wake up.


6、Jake Sully:And I'm probably just talking to a tree right now.But if you're there--I need to give you a heads up.If Grace is there with you--look in her memories--she can show you the world we come from.There's no green there.They killed their Mother,and they're gonna dothe same thing here.More Sky People are gonna come.They're gonna come like a rain that never ends--Unless we stop them.Look,you chose me for something.And I'll stand and fight,you know I will.But I could use a little help here.



9、Neytiri:[smiles]She already has.



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