




1、Humans are more concerned with having than being.

2、Hey…The world has changed,and none ofus can go back.All we can do is our best.And sometimes the best that we can dois to start over.

3、When I was a kid.Whenever I'd feel small or lonely I'd look up at the stars.Wondered if there was life up there.Turns out I was looking in the wrong direction.When alien life entered our world.It was from deep beneath the Pacific ocean.A fissure between two tectonic plates.A portal between dimensions.The breach.

4、What is it?For as long as I can remember,I justwanted to do what was right. I guess I’m not quite sure what that is anymore.And I thought I could throw myself back in and follow orders.Serve.It’sjust not the same.


6、If you take it personal, that's okay.



9、将军说:"At the ageva hope, we end our time, we've choosen not only beleive in ourselves, but in each other! Today we 'll face monsters out of our door, today, we are canceling the apocalypse!"

10、S.H.I.E.L.D.Takes the world as it is,not as we’d like it to be.Andit’s getting damm near past time for you to get with that programme,Cap.Don’t hold your breath.


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