2、megatron must be stopped...no matter the cost
3、"像河流的人 把我卷进很多事情中,不断的拉着向前进 我被他抛下了"
4、Optimus Prime: At the end of the day, one shall stand, one shall fall!
5、Okay, I wanna tell you about a dream. A boy's dream. And a man's promise to that boy. He looked at me in the eye. He said, "Son, I'm gonna buy you a car."But I want you to bring me ,000 and three As." Okay? I got the 2,000 and I got two As.Okay? Here's the dream. Your B-. Dream gone. Kaput. Sir, just ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
7、but one day an autobot shall rise from our ranks and use the power of the matrixto light...our darkest hour.until that day...till all are one...
9、Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at you life,don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?
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