

时间:2024-09-29 衣天亦 来源:桔子网站




1、It made me look like a duck in water.(它让我如鱼得水)



4、I do not know much about it ,but I think some of America's best young men served in this war.阿甘对战争不了解,但他知道美国的新鲜血液都战死在越南的战场了。


6、Salvation lies within

7、Red narraing: I hope I can make it across the border, I hope the Pacific is as blue as I dreamed it is; I hope to see my friend again, and shake his hand; I hope.

8、There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then. Then a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a shit.


10、没有毫无道理的横空出世,没有大量的积累和感悟,是不会把事情做好的。 只有不停的进取,才能够不丢人。


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