4、The boundless sea is like a gobi, we are the sands in the beach, but your company makes me no longer feel small and lonely.关于重视友情的句子
6、友情是我们内心的砝码,总能调节我们心中的平衡。随着时间的洗刷,友情会被冲淡,但我们不要等到失去后才懂得珍惜。我们要把握现在的友情,勇敢的去面对。这也许对一生都会有很大的影响,在人生中,有几个力量- -起共同奋斗,成功的曙光也许会早-点到来
7、Friendship is like a star, but love is only a candle. The candle is worn out, but the stars always shine.
9、Remember that last spring, jiangbian was the king. Today I will visit again and see no one. But when I saw a pot of earth, it hurt my heart. Sad and sad, sad and sad, I can't bear the tears! When we come to love, the river is sad. Son period son, you and I am a thousand jin yi, all over the world is not enough language, this song finally of the song is not a shot, the three foot yao qin is the king dead!
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