2、Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.
4、Red narrating: You could argue he’d done it to curry favor with the guards. Or, mabye make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normanl again, if only for a short while.
5、I’d like to think they were singing about somethings so beautiful,it can" t expressed in words,and it makes your heart ache because of it.I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a great place dares to dream. It was as if some beautiful bird had flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free.
9、Shit happens!不好的事情发生了。(片中GUMP跑步时给那个保险杠商的创意)
10、Get your maggoty ass on the bus.滚到车上来!
标签:词牌名 西江月诗句、诗歌词牌平仄平平仄仄、水仙子是词牌还是曲牌
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