




1、5, there is a thankful heart, not simply endurance and bear more than Q, but in a generous attitude to face the life bravely. I believe that the most from the cold and warm days, I believe that the most warm to cold is an understanding, a kind of Thanksgiving in the move.

2、10. 逢清明,路上行人欲断肠;忆平生,含泪低语总彷徨;寄思念,天上人间不相忘;焚香烛,心随轻烟漫飞翔;诚祈愿,逝者安宁生者康。


4、7. 焚一柱香,带走忧伤;折一枝柳,寄托哀愁;掬一捧雨,把心洗礼;拭一行泪,祭奠先辈。清明节,天上人间共一愿,生死相隔遥挂牵,愿逝者安,生者安!

5、1.The remotest corners of the globe have to do, only Shien infinite period. Thank you, teacher!天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。感谢您,老师!

6、Help, just lift a finger, and thanks is endless.帮助,只是举手之劳,而感谢却是永无止境的。

7、3. From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。

8、6. 总是忘不了家乡的水,总也忘不掉故乡的云,耳边常响起妈妈的话,心里常惦记妈妈的吻,梦里拥抱母亲的白发,只想说声妈妈,生日快乐!

9、Light to see the world to smoke, remember the kindness blood.淡看世事去如烟,铭记恩情存如血。

10、3. From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。


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