




1、I am willing to pay for everything, so the only contact with you once again! 我乐意支付统统,只求能再次打仗你一次!

2、U know i came here the night i left,but i mean not pass the front door.I almost walk in,but i knew if i did,i'll still be the same old Elizabeth.I don't want to be that person any more.

3、In the past few days, I've been learning how to not trust ppl. And I'm glad I failed. Sometimes we depend some ppl as a mirror. To define us. tell us who we are.


5、J: For my observations, sometimes it's better of not knowing. And other times there's no reason to be found

6、N:Because u can't even trust yourself.

7、天,亮了又暗了,暗了又亮了,光影交替间,似乎交错了孟珏的一生。 但不管何种神情,何种姿态,他总是一个人。 一个人在晨昏交替间,追寻着一点渺茫,踽踽独行于苍茫天地。

8、I didn't say anything

9、U're so good at reading people.But why i lose?

10、It seems like whenever anything good in my life happens, I’m just afraid that I’m going to lose it. 当生掷中柔美的对象到来时,我却认为会失去它.


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