2、Obviously the time continuum has been disrupted, creating a new temporal event sequence resulting in this alternate reality.
3、Um... okay. Well, how big is the universe?
4、-Nash: Infinite.
5、this is heavy,There's that word again: "heavy." Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?"
8、Obviously the time continuum has been disrupted, creating a new temporal event sequence resulting in this alternate reality.
9、Wars not make one great.
10、A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.
标签:忆江南其一 白居易赏析、白居易的诗2741首全集、自河南唐白居易视频版
相关:远师白居易诗的诗意、白居白居易的诗风格、闲意白居易的心境变化、紫薇花对紫微翁白居易、白居易游钱塘春行故事、白居易采莲曲注音版、浪淘沙注音版白居易、忆江柳 白居易的诗意、白居易描写春天的的诗、白居易一叶落解释
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