




1、Eth has reason!

2、I give you my hand. I give you my love, more precious than money.I give you myself before preacher or law.Will you give me yourself? Will you come travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?   我给你我的手,给你比款子更贵重的恋爱,在牧师和法令眼前,你乐意把本身寄托给我吗?你乐意和我一同去跋涉人生之旅、一路厮守终生吗?

3、How do u say goodbye to someone u can't even imagine leaving without.I didn't say goodbye,I didn't say ath.I just walked away,and in the end of that night,I decided to take the longest way to across the street.


5、I give you my hand. I give you my love, more precious than money.I give you myself before preacher or law.Will you give me yourself? Will you come travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?   我给你我的手,给你比款子更贵重的恋爱,在牧师和法令眼前,你乐意把本身寄托给我吗?你乐意和我一同去跋涉人生之旅、一路厮守终生吗?


7、How do u say goodbye to someone u can't even imagine leaving without.I didn't say goodbye,I didn't say ath.I just walked away,and in the end of that night,I decided to take the longest way to across the street.

8、It took me nearly a year to get here. It wasn't so hard to across that street after all. It all depends on the one you're waiting for on the other side.




乐游原唐代李商隐 10-22

李商隐 中元作 赏析 10-22

即目李商隐的歌 10-22

李商隐咏史何处有龙潭 10-22

李商隐的终南别业 10-22

七夕李商隐短句 10-22

无题李商隐中的难 10-22

古诗落花李商隐朗诵 10-22

李商隐的7言诗 10-22

李商隐咏云的意思 10-22