2、When sad and wrong, cry aloud. After crying over the face, pat yourself on the face, and squeeze out a smile for yourself. Don't rub it, otherwise your eyes will swell the next morning.
3、劝君更尽一~杯酒, 西出阳关无故人。
4、Friendship is an important part of man's spiritual life, without friendship, it is like living in a desolate desert. Lack of friends, the most feel lonely world, people need friendship, eager to friendship, the pursuit of friendship, because a sincere friendship can make people, make people pleased, make you happy, make people forward.
5、Friendship is like words, we write it together, we write it into a magnificent chapter.
7、Friendship is like a star, but love is only a candle. The candle is worn out, but the stars always shine.
9、Dialogue is between the enemy and the enemy, not between friends.
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