3、It was right in everyone’s face. Tyler and I just made it visible. It was on the tip of everyone’s tongue. Tyler and I just gave it a name.
5、Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation.
6、No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.
7、Even if I could tell someone they had a good fight, I wouldn’t be talking to the same man. Who you were in fight club, is not who you were in the rest of the world. The guy who came to fight club for the first time, his ass was a wad of cookie dough. After a few weeks, he was carved out of wood.
9、Murder, crime, poverty…these things don’t concern me. What concerns me are celebrity magazines, television with 500 channels, some guy’s name on my underwear. Rogaine, viagra, olestra.
标签:云中守是什么意思、蝶恋花 秋千什么意思、其延是什么意思
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