




1、Who we are and what we are doing, we live, what is the point of all this need to tell us our memory. In our world, is not the memory will disappear, we are live for memory?

2、The world doesn't just disappear when you close your eyes, does it?"

3、that you can't bully someone into remembering.The more pressure you're under, the harder it gets."

4、Thick Kevin:When I was swimming,I passed by a squirrel.I said,"Mr.Squirrel,why are you swimming on your back?""Well,I swim on my back to keep my nuts dry."



7、Grug: Since I don‟t have a brain, they‟re coming from my stomach, down deep below, and then up again into my mind.瓜哥:既然我没有大脑,那他们就是从我的胃里,从最下面生出来然后再回到上面。(说完 掉进了一个坑里)

8、Sam: But what do you mean?

9、Grug: Big words anger me! Keep talking!瓜哥:听你这么说话我就来气,你再说啊!

10、Quentin:Charming thought,but here's the simple situation.The authorities already dislike us.If you do this they will hate us,and by hook or by crook,they'll find a way to close us down.


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