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忆江南其二 拼音版

《忆江南其二 拼音版》

句子控官网入口网小编为大家整理的忆江南其二 拼音版句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

忆江南其二 拼音版

1、Lord, let me find him, that I may see him safe behind bars! I will never rest till then! This I swear! This I swear by the stars!

2、Christina:I'd make those seconds count.

3、Pvt. James Frederick, Ryan: Well, does that - does that mean my brothers are OK?


5、Private Reiben: Hey, Wade, I got a mother, you got a mother, the sarge has got a mother. I'm willing to bet that even the Captain's got a mother. Well, maybe not the Captain, but the rest of us have got mothers.


7、You cannot exist inside the Source Code,beyond Fentress' 8 minutes.


9、Captain Miller: James... I'm here to tell you your brothers were killed in combat. They're dead.

10、The brain is like that, its electromagnetic fieldremains charged, just briefly even after death.Circuits remain open.


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