1、I used to daydream about him dying. I thought it was the only way that clear me up. And now he has, it hurts me more than anything else in the whole world.
2、I guess I just want to see if I can remember what it felt like.
3、天,亮了又暗了,暗了又亮了,光影交替间,似乎交错了孟珏的一生。 但不管何种神情,何种姿态,他总是一个人。 一个人在晨昏交替间,追寻着一点渺茫,踽踽独行于苍茫天地。
4、In my whole life, I’ve never deliberately hurt anyone and I just don’t think I could.我一辈子从未有意伤害过谁,我想我也不会
5、It seems like whenever anything good in my life happens, I’m just afraid that I’m going to lose it.当生命中美好的东西到来时,我却觉得会失去它.
6、U're so good at reading people.But why i lose?
7、在过去的几天里,我一直都在学着不要去相信别人。我很高兴我失败了。有时我们把别人当作一面镜子 去定义自己 去告诉自己“我们是谁”
8、E: Guess I'm just looking for a reason
9、Working two jobs is exhausting,but at least it keep me busy,and most importantly,it keep my mind away from him.
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